UV Light Meter UVC - 850010

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SKU 850010

Measures short wave UV-C light for applications such as UV light fume hoods, UV sterilization, industrial glass and non-destructive testing.


- Measure damaging UV (ultraviolet) light in the environment and museums.
- UV degradation studies in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, semiconductor, printing, window tinting, and other industries.
- Laboratory chromatography, electrophoresis and forensics.
- Test UV sterilization and dermatology lamps in hospitals.


- Wavelength: 220 to 275 nM
- Calibration Point: 254 nM
- UV Range: 1 uW/square centimeter to 40.00 mW/square centimeter
- Resolution: 1 uW and 0.01 mW/square centimeter
- Accuracy: +/- 4% +/- 1 digit (at 23 +/- 5 C)

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