CDI-25 Point-of-Use Flowmeters for Steel pipes (0.75 inches) - 25-07S


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SKU 25-07S
This flow meter is meant to be used for steel pipes with nominal size of 0.75 inches.

The CDI 25 represents a price-performance breakthrough in compressed-air metering. It fills a need for low-cost measurement of air usage by individual pieces of industrial equipment. It indicates leak-age and excessive usage locally with blinking lights, thereby eliminating the need for central monitoring and enabling equipment operators and maintenance mechanics to observe and respond to developing problems.


- Low cost permits monitoring of loads throughout an industrial plant
- Alarm functions indicate when leakage has developed or usage has become excessive
- Totalizing function allocates usage and cost
- Complete flowmeter in one package


- Accuracy: 5 percent of reading plus 1 percent of range for flows from 10 percent to 100 percent of indicated range at air temperatures between 20 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Fluids: Compressed Air, Nitrogen
- Range: 150 scfm
- Operating Pressure (steel and copper): 200 psig maximum
- Input power: 250 mA at 24 Vdc
- Output resistance: 600 Ohms max.
- Exposed Materials: Stainless steel, gold, thermal epoxy and Viton (seal)
- Display: Four-digit LED display
- Response time: One second to 63 percent of change in value at flows above 30 percent of range

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